Photos & videos
Ahimsá, Non-Violence
This section is called Ahimsá, non – violence.
Ahimsá is one of the basic foundations of Dharma. It is the first step in Patañjali’s
Yoga, the root of all yamas and niyamas and is addressed to in all classical
yoga texts: in theVedas, the Bhagavad Gítá, Hatha Yoga Pradípíka. It is also
present in the teachings of Buddha and Mahávíra.
Those who walk the path of Dharma should always
pursue non violence. Violence, himsá, can be perpetrated through thoughts,
words and actions. These thoughts, words and actions, creators of suffering,
should be avoided and ideally banned. We can be violent towards ourselves,
through negative self criticism or negative habits that we create, but more
often we are violent towards others: other human beings, animals or nature.
Each and every form of violence should be
avoided. As the human being tends to be more compassionate towards beings that
belong to his own species, he tends to make the interests of the human species
prevail above other species interests. We are usually more alert and receptive
to the idea of changing habits and courses of action that may result in human
Unfortunately, the suffering of non human
beings is not attended in this way. Non-human beings don’t express themselves
like we do and don’t organize or join efforts in order to defend their
interests. This is why they are unprotected and vulnerable to abuse. Before
overlooking this section with fear of being disgusted or emotionally
distressed, please think twice.
None of these videos and pictures were set here
to shock, nor do they portrait far away realities that don’t relate to us. On
the contrary, they picture the daily horrors that millions of animals who are
bred for meat have to endure. These situations that you are about to see happen
every day, all over the world, and will keep happening as long as the various
animal exploitation industries exist.
We thought that we owed to these animals to
show people their suffering, so that people can consciously choose to keep
contributing to their suffering or not.
If, at this point, you are thinking you don’t
like to see these images, that they disturb you, remember that they represent
only a few seconds of emotional discomfort in your life, but portrait whole
lives of physical and emotional pain that animals have to endure, and to which
you may be contributing – a whole life of intense suffering, without a break,
without rest, without the chance of being able to say I don’t like this and
look to the other side.
Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi!
Maria and Miguel