“Yoga and Buddhism are sister traditions which evolved in the same spiritual culture of ancient India. They use many of the same terms and follow many of the same principles and practices. For this ...”
“Our senses are the key instruments of our lives and how we use them determines how our lives unfold, whether towards health or disease, spirituality or worldliness.
Our outer lives revolve around ...”
Vedic Deities
The Vedas present a vast pantheon of deities (devatas) on many different levels, often said to be innumerable or infinite in number. For a specific number the Gods ...”
“The sexual symbolism of Tantra, like the subject of sexuality in general, has always engaged the human mind. The modern mind seems to be obsessed with it as well. Many people into Tantra, as well as ...”
“Hiranyagarbha as the Founder of the System of Yoga
Many people today look to Patanjali, the compiler of the Yoga Sutras, as the father or founder of the greater system of Yoga. While Patanjali’s ...”
Note: People often ask about the relationship between Vedas, Hinduism and related disciplines of Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic astrology, particularly ...”
“According to the philosophy of Yoga, the physical body is a manifestation of consciousness. It is a crystallization of karmic (behavioral) patterns created by the mind. The key to working with the ...”
“De acordo com a filosofia do Yoga, o corpo físico é uma manifestação de consciência. É uma cristalização dos padrões kármicos (comportamentais) creados pela mente. Assim sendo, a ...”
“The Allure of TantraPerhaps nothing is more
exotic, dramatic and sensational in India’s Yoga traditions than is the
practice of Tantra. No other approach to Yoga has gained such a
fascination ...”